- What we provide: ARIMGSAS hosts both Mini MCQ Trial Exams and Major MCQ trial exams. These exams are free for students of MCQ and spaces permitting. We provide these exams for members from other facilities who wish to practice MCQ Trial Examinations for an upcoming Examination Date in a less stressful environment.
- The cost: We provide different types of exams, with different feedback types, therefore the prices vary.
For NON-ARIMGSAS Students, the
Mini MCQ Trial Exam-30 Questions, from $30 to $85 depending on the
For NON-ARIMGSAS Students, the
Major MCQ Trial Exam-120 Questions, from $100 to $310 depending on the
- With results: After finishing the exam, you will only get your result (Pass/Fail).
- With face-to-face feedback: After finishing the exam, you will get your result. Check the next available face-to-face feedback with us. (Contact us after your enrolment) The face-to-face feedback would be as a Skype or ZOOM meeting.
-  Where to take the exam: The exams can either be completed at ARIMGSAS or in the comfort of your liking. If you choose to complete your examination at ARIMGSAS, we provide  the required facility. Otherwise, the exam link with the instruction will be emailed to your nominated email address.
- Exam Structure: Each trial exam is structured in the same format as the actual AMC exam, with 90 seconds per question. You will receive your mark at the end of the examination.
- AMC Guildelines: Both examination types use questions written for ARIMGSAS following the AMC Guidelines.
- Time: Major MCQ Trial Exam (approx. 3 hrs): 120 Questions -Â Mini MCQ Trial Exam (approx. 45 mins): 30 Questions